- 3D Printing - 3D Printing
- Agriculture and Plant Science - Agricultural Sciences
- Agriculture and Plant Science - Botany and Plant Science
- Agriculture and Plant Science - Agronomy
- Agriculture and Plant Science - Livestock Management and Dairy Farming
- Agriculture and Plant Science - Horticulture
- Agriculture and Plant Science - Soil Science
- Agriculture and Plant Science - Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology - Genetics
- Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology - Biochemistry
- Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology - Biotechnology
- Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology - Molecular Biology and Microbiology
- Biological Science, Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Immunology - Immunology
- Biological Sciences - Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences - Evolutionary Biology
- Biological Sciences - Marine Biology
- Biological Sciences - Botany
- Biological Sciences - Cell Biology
- Biological Sciences - Computational Biology
- Biological Sciences - Zoology
- Botany, Plant Science and Agriculture - Crops
- Business and Management - Marketing Management
- Business and Management - Business Management and Economics
- Business and Management - Accounting and Finance
- Business and Management - Supply Chain Management
- Business and Management - Information and Knowledge Engineering
- Business and Management - Human Resource Management
- Chemistry - Chemistry
- Chemistry - Physical Chemistry
- Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry
- Chemistry - Organic Chemistry
- Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry
- Chemistry - Alloys
- Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering
- Commerce, Management and Economics - Management
- Commerce, Management and Economics - Entrepreneurship
- Commerce, Management and Economics - Business Management
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Computer and Information Science - Computer and Information Science
- Computer and Information Science - Artificial Intelligence
- Computer and Information Science - Software Engineering
- Computer and Information Science - Information Technology and Management
- Cryptography - Computer Science & Information Technology
- Drone Technology - Drone Technology
- Earth and Planetary Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Earth and Planetary Sciences - Geology and Geography
- Earth and Planetary Sciences - Natural Disasters and Management
- Earth and Planetary Sciences - Oceanography
- Education - Education
- Education - Library Science
- Education - E-Learning, Knowledge Management and Education Research
- Education - Vocational Education
- Education - English Language and Learning
- Electric Vehicles - Electric Vehicles
- Energy - Energy
- Energy - Biofuels
- Energy - Renewable Energy
- Energy - Petroleum Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Vehicular Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Civil Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Chemical Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Engineering and Technology
- Engineering and Technology - Control Theory
- Engineering and Technology - Mobile, Wireless and Telecommunications Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Aerospace Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Industrial Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Mechanical Engineering
- Engineering and Technology - Robotics
- Engineering and Technology - Geographic Information Systems
- Engineering and Technology - Signal Processing
- Engineering and Technology - Lasers
- Engineering and Technology - Optics
- Engineering and Technology - Nanotechnology
- Entrepreneurship - Commerce, Management and Economics
- Environmental Sciences - Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Sciences - Pollution
- Environmental Sciences - Waste Management
- Environmental Sciences - Climate and Weather
- Environmental Sciences - Ecology
- Environmental Sciences - Sustainability
- Environmental Sciences - Water Resource Management
- Environmental Sciences - Disaster Management
- Environmental Sciences - Forestry
- Environmental Sciences - Ecosystems
- Environmental Sciences - Landscape Architecture
- Environmental Sciences - Ecology and Ecosystems
- Environmental Sciences - Sustainable Development
- Food Science, Health and Nutrition - Food Science
- Food Science, Health and Nutrition - Nutrition
- Geography, Geology and Earth Science - Atmospheric Sciences
- Geography, Geology and Earth Science - Geoscience
- Geography, Geology and Earth Science - Geology
- Geography, Geology and Earth Science - Remote Sensing
- Geography, Geology and Earth Science - Disaster and Disaster Management
- Geography, Geology and Earth Science - Climatology
- Geography, Geology and Earth Science - Oceanography and Aquatic Ecology
- History and Archaeology - Archaeology
- History and Archaeology - History
- Journalism and Mass Communication - Journalism and Mass Communication
- Language, Literature and Linguistics - Language, Literature and Linguistics
- Law, Criminology and Forensics - Law, Criminology and Forensics
- Materials Science - Materials Science
- Materials Science - Nanotechnology
- Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics
- Mathematics and Statistics - Statistics
- Media and Communication Studies - Media and Communication Studies
- Philosophy and Religion - Religion
- Physical Education, Sports and Rehabilitation - Physical Education, Sports and Rehabilitation
- Physics - Physics
- Physics - Optics
- Public Health and Nursing - Public Health and Nursing
- Social Sciences - Social Sciences
- Social Sciences - Psychology
- Social Sciences - Political Science
- Social Sciences - Philosophy
- Social Sciences - Anthropology
- Social Sciences - Sociology
- Social Sciences - Crime and Forensic Science
- Social Sciences - Education
- Social Sciences - Urban Studies
- Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine - Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Tourism and Hospitality - Tourism and Hospitality
- Tourism and Hotel Management - Tourism and Hotel Management
- Tourism, Hotel and Hospitality - Tourism, Hotel and Hospitality
- Veterinary Science and Medicine - Veterinary Science and Medicine
- Vocational Education, Skill Development and Career Planning - Vocational Education
- Zoology and Animal Science - Zoology and Animal Science
- Zoology and Animal Science - Zoology
- Aaron Dixon
- Aaron Patterson
- Aaron Zimmerman
- Abel Hall
- Ada Hastings
- Adam Heller
- Adam Mills
- Adam Rush
- Addriana Boyle
- Aden Crowley
- Adriana Winkler
- Agatha Carson
- Agustin Willmott
- Aidan Butler
- Aiden Preston
- Aiden West
- Alan Ashman
- Albert Dickinson
- Albert Kelly
- Albert Smith
- Albie Reid
- Alejandro Cooke
- Alexis Callahan
- Alexis Hammond
- Alfie Williams
- Alfred White
- Alice Granger
- Alivia Snow
- Aliyah Wheatley
- Allen O'Conner
- Ally Wadsworth
- Allyson Westley
- Alvaro Leone
- Alvina Cuoco
- Amanda Moses
- Amanda Rowling
- Amanda Wang
- Amarion Fisher
- Amber Jenkins
- Amie McCarthy
- Anastasia Stokes
- Anchal Jain
- Anderson Sheilds
- Andre Douglas
- Andres Flynn
- Andrew Black
- Andrew Burton
- Andrew Nash
- Andy Aitken
- Angelo Todd
- Ann Johnson
- Anna Smith
- Annie Gilbert
- Annika Brayan
- Anthony Moore
- Anthony Norton
- Antony Robinson
- Archer Green
- Archie Rogers
- Aria Anderson
- Arian Barker
- Arianna Newton
- Arnold Rhinegold
- Arun Kumar Sharma
- Asher Clark
- Asher Sampson
- Ashley Hemsworth
- Ashley Ward
- Athena Tate
- Augusta Lawrence
- Augustus Banner
- Ayden Llyod
- Barbara Wheaton
- Barkley Sparks
- Barney Tyler
- Barrett Adkins
- Barry Miller
- Beatrice Pollard
- Ben Kinkaid
- Benedict Jackson
- Benjamin Wayne
- Benjy Elliott
- Bennett Perez
- Benny Lewis
- Bert Hudson
- Bertram O'Neal
- Bianca Drake
- Bill Hempel
- Bill Varney
- Blanche McGowan
- Bob Garner
- Bob Mcdowell
- Bonnie Russo
- Braden Bowen
- Bradley Donovan
- Bradley Hunt
- Bradley Patrick
- Brady Walton
- Bran Powell
- Brantley Kelley
- Braxton Stewart
- Brayden Anderson
- Braylon Vincenzo
- Brendan Davies
- Brendan Marshall
- Brett Cody
- Brian Battles
- Brian Lynch
- Brian O'Neill
- Brian Preston
- Briana Perry
- Brie Forester
- Brody Walker
- Bruce Morris
- Bryce Carroll
- Bryson Walsh
- Cade Doherty
- Caden Knight
- Caiden Elliott
- Caleb Davis
- Callen Elliott
- Camden Howard
- Cameron Dawson
- Canaan Knight
- Carl Trey
- Carla Mayfield
- Carol Thorburn
- Caroline Hardon
- Caroline Harrington
- Carson Thomas
- Carter Campbell
- Casey Stokes
- Casey Swanson
- Casper Barnes
- Casper Geller
- Casper Harvey
- Cassandra Gaiman
- Cassius Foster
- Catherine Hastings
- Cathryn Eilertson
- Cedric Hodgson
- Cersei Page
- Cesar O'Neil
- Charles Bale
- Charles Clement
- Charlotte Stedman
- Chase Jones
- Cheryl Jollymore
- Chiara White
- Chloe Raines
- Chris Bevan
- Chris Chancellor
- Chris Dunn
- Chris Gilmour
- Christina Marshall
- Christine Avory
- Christopher Fleming
- Christopher Gunn
- Christopher Pearson
- Clara Nesbit
- Clarence Richmond
- Clark Hiddleston
- Clavin Wilkinson
- Clay Martin
- Clive Jarvis
- Cody Long
- Colby Gunn
- Colby Smith
- Cole Gray
- Cole Smith
- Colin West
- Collin Shephard
- Colt McGarry
- Colton Lewis
- Conner Long
- Connor Wilson
- Cooper Hunt
- Corbin Spencer
- Cory Young
- Cristian Taylor
- Cruz Hawkins
- Curtis Holmes
- Cyaden Ross
- Cynthia Jefferson
- Cyrilo Harris
- Dakota Rooney
- Dakota Schmitt
- Dale Saunders
- Dallas Rivera
- Dalton Freeman
- Damian Price
- Damien Miller
- Daniel Bentley
- Daniel Walker
- Dante Boyd
- Darren Erickson
- David Bonham
- David Cooke
- David Fein
- Davon Matthews
- Dawson Coffey
- Declan Hernandez
- Denise Russo
- Dennis Close
- Dennis Parrish
- Denver Rutherford
- Desmond Ballard
- Devin Burns
- Diago Bell
- Diana Bates
- Diana Lucas
- Diana Marks
- Diane Anderson
- Diego Wells
- Dilan Thomas
- Dominic Pratt
- Dominick Pereira
- Dominique Salgueiro
- Donovan Crawford
- Dorian Snyder
- Douglas Craig
- Douglas Holliday
- Douglas Suarez
- Dr. G. C. R. Jaiswal
- Dr. Nirja Singh
- Dr. Ranjeet Kr Singh
- Dr. Satish Kumar S. Hosamani
- Dr. Sridevi J.
- Drake Shaw
- Drake Ward
- Drew Adams
- Drew Bentley
- Duncan Hodgson
- Dwanyne Winfield
- Dylan Carter
- Dylan Rush
- Earl Conley
- Easton Nicholson
- Eden Wilkins
- Eden Witherspoon
- Edmund Parker
- Eduardo Riley
- Edward Haighes
- Edward Pollock
- Edward Sommer
- Edwin Parks
- Ela Dean
- Elena Marshall
- Elena Norris
- Eli Lewis
- Elian Massey
- Elijah Baxter
- Eliot Fox
- Eliza Long
- Ellen Hornstein
- Elliott Wall
- Emanuel Patterson
- Emerson Dunlap
- Emilia Stones
- Emiliano Johnston
- Emilio McMahon
- Emily Blundetto
- Emma Affleck
- Emma Darling
- Emmanuel Craig
- Emmett Gonzalenz
- Emmett Norton
- Eric Astwell
- Eric August
- Eric Buchanan
- Eric Richardson
- Erick West
- Erik Hamilton
- Erik Madsen
- Erika De Smet
- Esmeralda Jackson
- Ethan Scott
- Eugene Pressley
- Evan Blair
- Evan Carter
- Evan Ryan
- Evelyn Radford
- Evelyn Robinson
- Everett Davies
- Ezekiel Chapman
- Ezra Duncan
- Ezra Samberg
- Fabian McLain
- Faith Miller
- Fernando Morrison
- Finley Edwards
- Finn Miller
- Fiona Davila
- Flora Lloyd
- Floriana Crawford
- Francis Joyce
- Franklin Jackson
- Fraser Barrett
- Frazer Murphy
- Gabe Burton
- Gabriel Lucas
- Gabrielle Reid
- Gage Grant
- Garrett Cooper
- Gavin Collingwood
- Gavin Moore
- George Dickens
- George Hamill
- George Milton
- George Willis
- Georgette Paulson
- Gerald Atkins
- Gersham Levitt
- Giani Smith
- Gianni Russell
- Gideon Waddell
- Gilbert Knowles
- Gilbert Mead
- Gloria Nisbet
- Gloria Shaw
- Glynn Clermont
- Goldfrey Edwards
- Grace Silva
- Graham Molloy
- Grayson Barker
- Greg Mayhew
- Greg Powell
- Griffin Cook
- Griffith Reid
- Gustav Solomon
- Gwen Johnston
- Gweneth Glover
- Hallie Parker
- Hamza Lowe
- Haris Russell
- Harley Ashwin
- Harold Olson
- Harold Salazar
- Harriet Olsen
- Harv Kennedy
- Harvey Graham
- Hayden Cole
- Hazel Nelson
- Hector Moura
- Heidi Pratt
- Helena Price
- Henry Martin
- Henry Medina
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- Henry Stamp
- Hillary Newland
- Holden Clark
- Howard Currant
- Hubert Reeve
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- Hugh Melville
- Hunter Dawson
- Hyman Dunn
- Ian Cole
- Ian Phillips
- Iker Morris
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- Isla Williams
- Ivor McGarry
- Ivy Stanford
- Jace Murphy
- Jack Atkinson
- Jack Riley
- Jackson Williams
- Jaden Evans
- Jaden Thompson
- Jael Payne
- Jaiden Young
- Jaime Hunter
- James Cameron
- James Carter
- James Clifton
- James Moffett
- Jane Darcy
- Janice Brando
- Jase Fitzgerald
- Jason Angstrom
- Jason Patterson
- Jason Penn
- Jasper Harrison
- Jasper Mistry
- Jax Bailey
- Jaxon Parry
- Jaxon Pine
- Jayce McCarthy
- Jayceon Garcia
- Jean Wilkinson
- Jeff Caldwell
- Jeff Valdez
- Jena Spencer
- Jensen Helberg
- Jensen Hunter
- Jenson Lee
- Jenson Wells
- Jeremiah Wallace
- Jeremy Browning
- Jeremy Riordan
- Jerome Graves
- Jerry Thorpe
- Jesse Rose
- Jessica Finley
- Jessica Heeren
- Jimmy Becker
- Joanna Burke
- Joaquin Weber
- Joe Oswald
- Joe Sawyer
- Joey Holland
- Joffrey Butler
- John Dixon
- John Hardiman
- John Morris
- John Srednicki
- Johnny Hofstader
- Johnny McDougall
- Jon Morris
- Jonah Martinez
- Jonathan Ayers
- Jonathan Frost
- Jonathan Molaro
- Jonathan Shier
- Jonathon Saunders
- Jordan Goldberg
- Jorge Green
- Jose Barnett
- Joseph Mastrolia
- Josh Olson
- Joshua Watkins
- Josiah Jackson
- Josue Richards
- Judah Carter
- Jude Randall
- Jude Weaver
- Judith Campbell
- Julian Evans
- Juliana Lang
- Juliet Verni
- Julio Bolton
- Julius Duffy
- Justin Felbinger
- Kaden Hunt
- Kai Hughes
- Kaiden Higgins
- Kaleb Lynch
- Kaleb Robinson
- Kamden Carney
- Kameron Smith
- Karl Pegg
- Karson McCormack
- Karter White
- Kasen Parker
- Kason Hurst
- Kate Banks
- Kate Kennedy
- Kate Porter
- Katrina Mastrolia
- Kayden Robertson
- Keegan Mason
- Keeley Gould
- Keith Hagar
- Keith Wheatley
- Ken Spiner
- Kendrick Porter
- Kennedy Price
- Kent Buchanan
- Kian Bennett
- Kian Churchill
- Kieran Robertson
- Killian Sullivan
- Kirstie Peterson
- Korbin Bowers
- Korey Maximilian
- Kristen Holt
- Kristyn Payne
- Kyle Hill
- Kyrie Hamilton
- Lacie Matthews
- Laila Prady
- Lana Roche
- Landen jimenez
- Lane Cobb
- Lane Powell
- Lara Briggs
- Larry Ellison
- Larry Graham
- Larry Madison
- Larry Olson
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- Lauren Ingram
- Lawrence Baker
- Layla Barnaby
- Leila Alistair
- Lenny Hart
- Leo Roberts
- Leo Sobis
- Leon Beach
- Leonard Fisher
- Leonel Ware
- Levi O'Brein
- Lewis Tucker
- Leyton Gray
- Liam Lewis
- Liam Owens
- Liam Spencer
- Liliana Cooper
- Liliana Doyle
- Lily Hill
- Lincoln Burns
- Lindsay Garfield
- Lloyd Gaston
- Logan Hayes
- Logen Robinson
- Lora Andrews
- Lorenzo Jade
- Louise Araujo
- Lucias Chapman
- Lucius Walker
- Lukas Brooks
- Lydia Hemsworth
- Lydia Perry
- Lyla Smith
- Lynda Reiss
- Maddison Cunningham
- Maddox Moran
- Madelyn Wilson
- Maggie Crosby
- Maggie Klein
- Maisie Walter
- Maison Owen
- Makayla Lynwood
- Malachi Adams
- Marco Malloy
- Marco Spencer
- Marcus Hawkins
- Margaret Barton
- Margaret Morris
- Margot Scott
- Mario McClure
- Mark Cook
- Mark Harper
- Mark McFadden
- Markel Armstrong
- Marley Harding
- Marlon White
- Martha Butler
- Martha Nelson
- Martin Brown
- Martin Gendron
- Marvin Rauch
- Mary Murphy
- Mason Jones
- Mateo Roberts
- Matt Ferrier
- Matt Keaton
- Matthew Boswell
- Maurice Granger
- Mauris Ryan
- Maverick Henderson
- Max Guthrie
- Maximus Stanley
- Maximus Ward
- Maxwell Oliver
- Melanie Simon
- Melody Frost
- Melody Glover
- Mervin Williamson
- Mia Williams
- Micah Taylor
- Michael Grillo
- Michael Silva
- Michael Stock
- Michalina Davis
- Milan Collins
- Miles Carr
- Miles Dunlap
- Miranda Cole
- Miriam Court
- Misty Howell
- Mitchell Penn
- Mitchell Spencer
- Molly Hamilton
- Morgan Roth
- Myles Gallagher
- Nancy Maxwell
- Naomi Kirby
- Nash Stokes
- Natalia Davies
- Natalia Wood
- Natasha Kennedy
- Natasha Rivera
- Nate Newman
- Nathalie Porter
- Nathan Miguel
- Nathaniel Harris
- Nehemiah Wyatt
- Neil Dalton
- Nessa O'Brein
- Nicolas Chapman
- Nicole Ortega
- Nina Diaz
- Nina Duran
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- Olive Moore
- Olive Murphy
- Oliver Dunbar
- Oliver Hardy
- Oliver Jenkins
- Oliver Young
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- Patrick Spencer
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- Raymond Foster
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- Reese Burnett
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- Reginald Matthews
- Reid Barnes
- Reid Watts
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- Ross Beckett
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- Rowan Sutherland
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- Sam Harrington
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- Samantha Bennett
- Sasha Ortega
- Sawyer Lopez
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- Selena Ellison
- Serena Brown
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- Shawn Kerkhoff
- Shawn Marshall
- Sheldon Henderson
- Shelley Lynch
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- Skylar Green
- Skyler Hopkins
- Sofia Lynch
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- Solomon Stevens
- Sophia Johnson
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- Stefan Jenkins
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- Stephane Boswell
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- Stephen Morris
- Sterling Macmillan
- Summer Nolan
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- Suzanne Green
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- Tanner Perry
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- Timothy Atkinson
- Timothy Garner
- Timothy Goodwin
- Titus Mason
- Tobias Fry
- Toby Lang
- Todd McMullen
- Todd Stephens
- Tom Donnelly
- Tom Richards
- Tomos Webb
- Toni Foreman
- Travis Gardiner
- Trenton Hensley
- Trevor Miller
- Tristan Powell
- Triston Rodriguez
- Tucker Nichollas
- Tucker Watson
- Tyler Wood
- Tyson Fowler
- Vera Shaffer
- Victor Bonn
- Victor Kennedy
- Victor Perry
- Vincent Dafoe
- Vincent Green
- Vincent Jennings
- Vincent King
- Violet Moore
- Virgil Fields
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- Walter Barlow
- Walter Bell
- Walter Lennox
- Walter O'Hara
- Waylon Warren
- Weston Allen
- Wilfred Harding
- Wilfrid Stevens
- Will Fisher
- William Barksdale
- William Martel
- Woody Best
- Wren O'connor
- Wyatt Cox
- Wyatt Kelly
- Xander Cooper
- Xander Posner
- Yvonne Cowell
- Zachary Morgan
- Zachary Walker
- Zachary Walter
- Zaiden Jonston
- Zander Atkinson
- Zander Ellis
- Zane Bradley
- Zayne Oliver
- Zelda Hansen
- Zion Gibson
About Us
Larsen and Keller education has been established with the core philosophy of imparting education to empower the world. It is our aim to make quality educational material available to all and across all parts of the world. Our forte lies in our textbooks and reference books which are carefully designed and written to provide the best-in-class content for graduate, undergraduate and post graduate students. Active engagement and interactive learning are the two key parameters considered while planning and crafting our course material to help students across the globe take a leap towards academic excellence. A pool of renowned educators and practitioners are on our editorial board to create truly unique and world-class content. Our extensive list of titles has dynamically influenced the student fraternity worldwide and established us as a pioneer in the field of textbook and academic publishing.